Everything You Need To Know About Fluid Retention!
Fluid retention is medically termed oedema but pronounced “ede-ma”, which is commonly known as water retention. It is a build-up or trapping of fluids throughout the body.
When your body holds fluids, it shows up in the form of swelling or puffiness in feet, ankles, and legs. However, it can occur anywhere in the body.
Symptoms of Fluid Retention:
The intensity of fluid retention defines the severity of symptoms. Your body might be holding water or other fluids if these common symptoms are showing up:
- Bloating in the abdominal area.
- Swollen legs, feet and ankles.
- Puffiness on face, hips, or abdomen.
- Stiffness in joints.
- Fluctuations in body weight.
- Feeling heavier or less active like being nimble.
Natural Diuretics That Can Help You With Fluid Retention:
The human body can easily be healed in natural ways if follows a certain lifestyle or diet correctly. For instance, you can add these diuretics fruits and vegetables to instantly overcome fluid retention:
- Watermelon
- Banana
- Cucumber
- Lemons
- Spinach
Types of Fluid Retention:
Fluid retention has generally two broad categories which are generalised oedema — when your entire body gets swollen. And localised oedemea — when a particular part of your body is swollen.
General & Medical Causes of Fluid Retention:
Fluid retention can be a lifestyle issue or a serious underlying health condition.
Fluid retention can be caused due to poor lifestyle or serious health conditions. Let’s see the factors causing it:
- Hot weather
- Lack of physical activity
- Dietary deficiency (Insufficiency of protein or vitamin B1)
- Certain Medications (Medications to treat high blood pressure such as antihypertensives, corticosteroids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
- Chronic venous insufficiency (Weakened valves in the veins of the legs) The pooling results in varicose veins.
- Arthritis: It is when joints of your body have arthritis and tend to swell with fluid.