Medical Reasons To Stop Drinking Alcohol
Do you know the side effects of alcohol drinking? Despite the therapeutic properties, its excess can originate many diseases and damage your physical and mental health.
Health experts have been long reiterating reasons to avoid heavy drinking of alcohol. The excess quantity of alcohol can have short-and long-term effects on your entire body, including severe damage to the circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems. Although, the acuteness of the harm hinges on the amount of alcohol intake.
According to annual survey reports coming from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, claims that more than 14.5 million people residing in the US have alcohol use disorder, out of which most are heavy drinkers. Both light and heavy alcohol drinkers end up at the same finish point.
As per observation, you might drink to avoid failure or escape from problems. But, they are unaware of the health concern that is set in stone. The entire damage phenomenon begins within the digestion. Let’s dive into the reasons to avoid binge drinking.
Worse cardiovascular health.
Without any doubt, your heart is more vulnerable and would be a great danger in case you drink anything more than doctors or health practitioners suggest. Although, most people are unaware of the long-term issues that liquor can directly cause to your heart health.
As I mentioned earlier, the higher quantities will cause you constantly occurring high blood pressure, a chance of heart attack, or maybe heart failure. The only way to keep you healthy would be to change your lifestyle and cut off excessive alcohol consumption today.
Liver malfunctioning
After the stomach, the liver is mainly responsible for breaking down all the alcohol you intake. It produces different substances (or medically called enzymes) to ensure the removal of alcohol from the body. But, the produced substances have toxic properties.
As per medical research, alcoholic substances heavily damage liver cells, resulting in life-threatening diseases. Therefore, you should immediately replace alcohol addiction with healthy physical activities.
Higher glucose levels
As you might know, binge alcohol drinking will not only cause damage to your heart and liver but also drags your pancreas down. In layman’s language, too much alcohol drinking results in chronic inflammation in your pancreas.
And soon, its ability to produce insulin will decline. As a consequence, you may have never-ending and life-taking diabetes.
To recapitulate:
As a rule of thumb, too much alcohol has severe and irreversible health effects on the human body, greatly increasing the chances of heart attacks, liver failure, weaker immunity, diabetes, and cancer. You still have the time to save yourself if you are a heavy drinker and reading this article.