5 Poisonous Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat
“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.” — Orhan Pamuk.
Dogs are always close to the heart of their parents. It’s always fun to have them around. Most of us, consider them as part of our family and take them wherever we go whether it's summer vacations or winter holidays.
Food poisoning is more likely during the summer months and in December, when the holiday season is in full swing. As per reports, 90% of animal poisonings are unintentional and occur in the immediate vicinity of the animal’s owner’s residence or in the house itself. Pets’ health might be jeopardised by feeding them human food.
As a result of the amount of time we spend with our pets, it’s only logical that we’d teed them what we eat ourselves. When it comes to dogs, there are many foods that can entirely pose a danger to your dog's health. Since dogs have a very different metabolism as compared to humans who can easily eat and digest many food items that dogs are unable to.
According to recent research, approximately 50.6% of treats fed to dogs were cookies, biscuits, and other snacks. You never know which food is dangerous for your dog. The health and well-being of your dog may be jeopardised if they consume foods that are totally safe for humans and other animals. So, these are some of the toxic foods for your dogs.
1) Garlic:
As an allium, garlic’s thiosulfate component destroys red blood cells and can be lethal to dogs. Garlic is poisonous only in large doses, however, certain breeds are more vulnerable than others. The symptoms of garlic poisoning might take many days to appear. Small quantities of these foods can be healthy for certain dogs, but larger amounts are proven deadly in many cases.
2) Avocado:
Toxins in avocados, including the fungicidal toxin persin, make them toxic for a wide variety of species, not only dogs. Even moderate symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhoea may be fatal in toxic levels, which is well-known. The big pits can also be a choking danger, and should also be avoided.
3) Chocolate:
One of the most well-known canine poisons is chocolate. There is an ingredient in chocolate called theobromine that may induce cardiac arrhythmias and central nervous system disorders in dogs. Toxic levels are highest in bitter chocolates, such as bitter cocoa powder, bitter bitter chocolate, and bitter bitter baking chocolates, whereas lower levels may be found in milk and white chocolates. They may be harmful. The quantity is taken and the dog’s size is also an important consideration for determining toxicity.
4) Macadamia Nuts:
Dogs should never eat many types of nuts but macadamia nuts are the most toxic for them. They are the most poisonous nuts for our four-legged friend. Your dog will have vomiting, weakness, heat, and the loss of basic functions after eating a few of them. Not only this, there are many other symptoms that veterinarians can see. The most frequent sign is weakness, especially behind the rear legs.
5) Grapes & Raisins:
Grapes and raisins are among the most dangerous foods for dogs, but no one understands what makes them so toxic. Even a tiny quantity might cause your dog to suddenly stop urinating, which can be an indication of renal failure. Smells like vomit and diarrhoea are also common symptoms. Another issue that baffles doctors is why some dogs are particularly sensitive to grape and raisin poisoning while others are able to consume them with no ill effects.
Bottom Line:
These five foods on this list, are perfectly safe for you to consume, while can be extremely toxic for your dogs. Food poisoning in dogs can be prevented by feeding them only dog food and keeping human foods out of their reach. Contact your veterinarian right away if you suspect your dog has eaten anything it shouldn’t have.